Happy Sunday. I had hoped to get this blog post up sooner but things fell apart with my mom again, more on that next month. As I write this the sun is shining and it feels like summer. We are still continuing to find a new normal because of the virus but at least we can enjoy the weather though.
Hello April
The month started off with mom having another infection in her Lympth nodes where the dental work was done. Because of the virus we could not go back to the oral surgeon but thankfully he was willing to prescribing more antibiotics. He said we would just have to try and keep the infections under control until we could see him again. We had a virtual appointment with her Rheumetologist and I told him what was going on. She had not seen him since she had the dental surgery. He suggested that we do an MRI on her Jaw to see if there is infection in the bone. When she was in the hospital in Feb they never did one?? They only looked at her brain. Uggg!!! I think getting another MRI of her Jaw is a good idea but can't take her for one of those right now either. He also suggested that we stop her Xeljanz while on the antibiotic this time and see if that helps it work any better but it didn't. He said he could drain the fluid from her elbow but we wanted her to wait a little longer before taking her in because they would not let anyone in with her and we still were not sure how safe it was.
In the meantime I was still trying to get my dads properties listed for sale but kept running into more problems.
Emilia's 22nd birthday was on the 2nd. Unfortunately it snowed that day and we were not able to have the family over for dinner like we usually do because of the virus but we were still able to make the day special for her. I ordered her cake from a small bakery here in town so was able to support small business in the process. After we picked up the cake we went to get her birthday drink at Starbucks drive thru then over to see mom and give her a cupcake. After that we dropped by my sister's and niece so they could give her their present in the driveway. The rest of the afternoon was pretty quiet, We ordered Olive garden for dinner and it was really good. We ended by face timing my sister and niece so we could all sing her happy birthday. Overall I think it turned out to be a really good day for her even with the Quarantine and one we will never forget.
We celebrated Indie's Gotcha Birthday on the 7th. I made the crown and she got a pupachino. Emilia bought her a new harness, collar and squeeky ball. As you can see she looked very happy.
Emilia and I took a virtual cooking class on how to make French Macaroons from The Seasoned Chef Cooking School here in Denver. Not only did we help support small business it also gave us something to do during the quarantine. It was a lot of work but was really happy with how they turned out. We have been wanting to learn how to make them for awhile and can now say we know how. They are yummy too
I was still trying to figure out how a way to get my Etsy sales back when I had a buyer request a high chair banner with a quarantine theme and came up with this set. It tuned out to be a best seller!
Another good thing about the quarantine was all the online options for group meetings. I was able to attend a few grief support meetings. One of them was a better fit than the other. I also attended an Alzheimer support group meeting but it more for spouses than adult children with parents that had it. My creative Adventure also started something new called Living Colors which includes 4 monthly scripture based coloring pages and prayer journals. April's theme was hope. Shelley and her husband CJ also did weekly Zoom calls for guided coloring and prayer. I really enjoyed that and it helped bring me a sense of peace and calm during this difficult time. This page was my favorite because “Most days I feel like I keep throwing water out of my boat and am trying not to sink just to stay a float” which perfectly described how I was feeling too. This verse also helps to anchor me.
Finally I was able to create this piece for the Florals and Praise for his glory challenge on Instagram. This verse could not have come at a better time. I got over 1000 likes on this piece. I an not sure how that happened. I have never had that many but it was nice to know people like it so much.
That's all for now. I hope your last day of May is a good one, I hope to be back sooner next month with more to share then.
16 hours ago
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