Happy Wednesday. Hope your May has been good so far and spring has sprung where you are. The weather had been pretty nice here but winter returned last week. Thankfully the snow did not last long but it was really cold. It felt more like March then May. The sun has returned now though.
April started off with Emilia's 19th birthday. This year her theme was pastel rainbows. She also is really into makeup now specifically something called Lipsense. It is made by a company called Senegence so that was the big present, Looking back she always had a thing for lipstick. She just applies it better now,
The amazing part about their products is that they do not come off. Unfortunately the weather was not good on her birthday so we could not do much. She ended up going to see Beauty and the Beast with my sister and niece. We also had a family dinner which was cooked by a private chef. The requested menu was Roast Chicken, Mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls and salad. The cake was made by a Cakes by Sam a local baker,
Overall it was a good one. I still can't believe she is 19.
We also celebrated both Lily's and Sophie's birthdays in April too. Lily is 11 now and we think Sophie is 12. To celebrate they both got to try a pupachino from Starbucks. As you can see they loved it.
Things in our Etsy shop continued to be slow but I added this rainbow ribbon and fabric high chair banner to the shop. It goes great with my other rainbow items that I have shared here before.
We also added a new butterfly theme.
Finally a new recipe for you to try, I have posted a lot of sweet thing in the past. I am going to start sharing more savory things, I am trying to find more whole 30 recipes especially for dinners. This one we tried a few weeks ago,
Sheetpan Italian Veggie and Chicken dinner from skinny taste. It was really good, We had ours with brown rice but you could also do cauliflower rice instead if you to comply with the whole30. I still eat some brown rice though,
That's all for now I will be back next month with more to share then.
17 hours ago