Happy Saturday. I hope you all had a good week. Spring has finally returned here. We had more snow this month than we did all winter. It has been the worst April I can remember weather wise. Hopefully May will be better.
Our little dog Lily is going to have surgery next week to remove one of the toes on her back foot. She has been having probelms with it since the first of the year. She had been on antibiotics to treat it a few months ago and we thought it was resolved but it has come back and they are not sure what it is now so they have decided it is best to take it off. Hopefully what ever it is will have been caught early and taking the toe off will get rid of the problem. Doggie Prayers are welcome. :)
I am still swamped with orders in my Etsy shop but today I want to share with you my shabby chic party package. It all started out with this hat which has become one of my biggest sellers.
That hat lead me to designing all these other items to go with it. A high chair banner, a smash cake topper, cupcake toppers, thank you favor tags, and a wall banner.
Click on the photo to see the items close up. There are lots of little girls out there enjoying these items which makes me happy.
That's all for now. I hope the rest of your weekend is good one.
19 hours ago
Such a beautiful ensemble. Looks like a ton of hard work but well worth it.
Terri this is DARLING! I LOVE it!! The colors are so pretty and girly!!
Will send Lily doggie prayers!!
Have a GREAT day!!
Terri your party hats and accessories to match are Wonderful! I can see why you are so busy. Just adorable little touches to make the party festive looking.
Totally gorgeous. Your birthday items are a hit!
Such gorgeous items! No wonder you are swamped. Hope your doggie is doing okay x
Love the design! What is your etsy shop name?
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