Happy Friday. Hope you are enjoying summer where you are. It is has been unseasonably hot here with temps in the 90's most everyday. I like the warm weather but it is too hot to do much outside during the day especially with the dogs which is kind of a bummer. It is better than cold and snow though. Speaking of the dogs. I wanted to share this photo with you. Rich found Lily and Indie like this one morning on the couch in his office before he left for work. We all thought it was really funny especially how Indie barely fits on the couch. You could say they are laying cheek to cheek.
June started out okay I did this handrawn piece to welcome it in. It was inspired by one the Petite planner did again.
She only did half a wreath on hers I decided to do a whole circle. I really like how it came out I hope you do too.
I met with the functional med doctor the first part of June. I decide to give CBD Oil a try along with the LDN. I had a hard time deciding which kind to take since there are so many options but finally decided on a liquid tinture so I could have more control over the dose since I am so sensitive to meds. Thankfully I made the right decision and am doing okay with it but it is making me very tired. Hoping that will get better with time and I will be able to go down on the antinflamatories. We are going to meet again in September.
Sales in our Etsy shop finally started to return in June and we were really grateful for that. I had customer request a boy sunshine ribbon and fabric high chair banner like the girl one but in boy colors so I added that to my shop. It goes perfectly with the party hat.
We also got this great appreciation photo of a buyers daughter wearing a custom pink elephant tutu outfit. Isn't she adorable? I made matching decor to go with it too.
I took a class through Brit and Company taught by Peggy Dean called line drawing how to illustrate your home and came up with this. It took me a awhile to complete but I really enjoyed the process and am pretty happy with the final result. This is not my house but looks like the kind of house I would want to live in. I really love my house that I live in now though.
I also took a workshop from Holly Pixels and learn how to letter this piece. It was a lot of work but I learned a lot. Creativity is definitely a drug I cannot live with out.
I finished a few more lessons from Ipad Bootcamp. The one on the left is a colorful background technique with paint splatters and the one on the right is the rainbow smudge technique
I finished the letter D in my floral monogram alphabet. This one was done with peonies and ranaculus.
Finally I found this recipe for Paleo Strawberry Shortcake and Emilia made it for us. It was pretty good but I think it needed to be a bit sweeter.
That's all for now. I hope the rest of your July is a good one and I will be back next month with more to share then.
7 hours ago