Happy Thursday. Hope your December has been good so far and it is not to cold where you are. It had been really chilly here the beginning of the month but finally warmed up last weekend. A few weeks ago our furnace went out and it was only in the 30's. We spent 2 days without heat. That was terrible but we made it through and have a new furnace now. The one we had was not that old. Turns out the company that put it in did not do it correctly. Thankfully it was still under warranty and they had to replace it. You don't realize how much you appreciate the little things like heat until you don't have it. I am very grateful that we have it back now. I hate to be cold.
November started out pretty well. I was inspired to make this piece from something similar I saw on Pinterest. I used my new watercolor skills that I learned from the IpadWatercolor Wonders course to color it in. I also did this piece from the course as well. It was a lot more challenging than it looks because it had so many layers but I finally got it to a point that I was happy with it. I love how whimsical it came out. Sunflowers are my favorite flower too.
I also made this piece from the course using an Alphabet from Amanda Arneille and more digital watercoloring. I added the little white flowers to finish it off. Hope is one of my favorite words.
I finished another letter in my digital floral watercolor alphabet. This time it was the letter H. This time I did fall colors with mums.
Things with Lily continue to be about the same. We did blood the end of the month and everything looked good except her liver enzymes were a little elevated. We are trying a new supplement to get it down. I was just so grateful that she was here for Thanksgiving and doing well. Praying that will continue and we can get through Christmas and New Years with her too. Still taking things one day at at time though.
Sales in our Etsy shop really picked up with our winter onederland theme which has been keeping us busy. I forgot to share this photo I got from a buyer last year who did a photo shoot with the tutu set, crown and high chair banner. We just loved how it was staged. She is adorable too.
Your Creative Adventure did another Illuminate Lettering live in her Facebook group. This time she choose the bible verse Be Strong and Courageous to letter and talk about. Once again it was very inspiring and helpful with everything I have been going through. After I lettered it I thought it would go perfectly with this floral piece I had been working on from Liz Kohler Browns Skillshare class on How To Paint Modern Gouache Florals on your Ipad Pro. I hope this piece helps to encourage you if you are going through a difficult time right now too.
I love the look of Modern Folkart and was really excited to take Liz Kohler Browns Modern Folk Art illustrations on your iPad class on Skillshare . I love how the original piece came out so decided to take it a step further and see if I could make it into a Pattern design. It didn't work exactly how I wanted to, I was hoping to get more repeats out of it but could not get it to work I still like it though.
After that I decided to look into doing more pattern designs with my doodles. I found another great class by Liz Kohler Brown on Skillshare again called Create Seemless Patterns on your Ipad and learned how to do it. It was a lot harder then it looks but I finally got it. These are my first pieces. The one of the right with the colored background is a basic repeat. The one of the left is a half drop repeat. Which one do you like better? It took a long time to learn how to do this but I am really enjoying it and hoping the next one will be easier. Inspiration for the doodles came from Doodles By Sarah she has some great books and videos on youtube if you want to check her out.
I also learned how to do this piece in Liz Kohler Browns Winter Holiday Illustrations on Skillshare. I really enjoyed doing this one and was another great class from her.
Thanksgiving was different for us this year. Rich decided to go and visit his mom and brother in New Mexico it was the first time in almost 27 years we did not have Thanksgiving together. It was really strange not having him here but we got through it. We had my family over as usual so we were not alone. I made this digital chalkboard piece in honor of Thanksgiving.
Finally I have been trying to add oats back into my diet a little bit because I was low on some nutrients and found this recipe from The Real Foods Dietitians for Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies. They are are really yummy.
That's all for now I hope your holidays are good ones and I will be back in the New Year to share more with you then.
15 hours ago