Happy Saturday. Hope the weather is nice where you are. We are currently enjoying warm and dry weather here. I even saw some dandelions the other day. Not complaing though. I am sure snow and cold are right around the corner.
October started out with me having a bad reaction to all the supplements I was taking. I ended up with terrible pain in my hands and arms. I could barely use them which is not good especially when you need your hands to do your work. I emailed the functional med doctor about it and it did not go well. She was not very kind or helpful at all so I ended up stopping all the supplements until our next appointment. I was really suffering in the meantime though. I was about ready to quit seeing her but something I said during that appointment seemed to turn it around and I think she finally got it. I won't boar you with all the details but she seems much more willing to help now and finally got a hold of the neuroviralogist that I have been wanting her to talk to. After telling her about my case she thought it could be something viral or Bechet's. This is not the first time Bechet's has been brought up and I have often thought it could be the cause of my symptoms too but have never been given the diagnosis. She wanted met to have some specific blood work done. If the viral blood work comes back normal then that is probably what we are dealing with. In the meantime we decided to try a few different supplements this time. These are the ones that work on the mitochondria cells. NAD and L Carnitine. I started off very slowly this time and so far am doing okay with them. I am also doing a detox smoothie in the morning too. I am waiting to hear what the blood work shows and then go from there. In the meantime I spent countless hours on the phone trying to get prices for the bloodwork. It was a nightmare. I was going to use a mobile lab but both of the ones I called never followed through so I ended up going to Labcorp and it worked out okay so far. I don't understand why it was so hard to get prices though.
Unfortunately the 2nd visit with the health coach did not go well which was disappointing especially after how much I liked her the first time. She gave me a lot of suggestions for natural things to try like sitting in a sauna, guided meditation, Epsom salt and baking soda baths, dry brushing, tumeric, yoga, many of which I had already tried. She also seemed to feel that I did not give them enough of a chance but once again I know my body and if something is going to work or not. I also do not have unlimited funds to keep doing something especially if I feel it is not working or making things worse. I also got the feeling that she felt what I was going through was more in my head and I could help myself more with my mind then meds. That really upset me. I do believe that there is a mind body connections but I also believe there is something physically wrong too so I will just be dealing with the doctor and the NP for now.
I am continuing to work on my modern calligraphy. After all this happened I thought this saying was very fitting and created it with some brushes from Ipadlettering and a chalkboard background.
I also made this one for Halloween too.
I am starting to see improvement which makes me happy.
We finally got to see Rich's new office downtown. His business is continuing to grow and do very well. I am very proud of him for all he has accomplished. With any small business it is not always easy. I think he is doing a great job though.
Sales in our Etsy shop returned and we have been busy again, for that I am very thankful. I have been working on my titles and tags with the help of Marmalead and Etsy Rank I think it may be helping some. It can be so hard to know what it takes to get buyers to find us though. This is one of the new items we made. It was a candyland themed birthday for twins. We are very happy with how it turned out.
Rich brought home some germs the end of the month and shared with Emilia, I think I may have had a milder version of it but they are both still coughing. I made some Jewish Penicillin to help the healing process. I have been making this soup for a long time. It is very simple and delicious and is paleo too.
That's all for now. I hope the rest of your month is a good one and you have enjoy your Thanksgiving with those you love. I will be back next month with more to share then.
15 hours ago