Happy Monday. March went out like a lion but April has been beautiful so far. We ended up getting a blizzard on March 23rd which left us with almost 20" of snow. Thankfully it melted quickly though.
The buds on the trees are starting to pop now and so are the tulips so things are looking up. The month started out okay but by the middle both Rich and Emilia got sick again. This was the 4th time for her and the 2nd time for him. This winter has been the worst for illness in our house. Hopefully everyone will stay well now and the germs are gone.
My 47th birthday was on the 25th but Emilia woke up sick again that morning so we had another visit with Dr. On Demand and she was diagnosed with what they thought was strep. The weather was also cold and snowy so not a good way to start off the day. My sister brought me these beautiful tulips with cheered my up though.
To top the day off my favorite ice cream flavor that I was so looking forward too for my special desert was discontinued thankfully I had a little left in the freezer though and the place I wanted to eat for dinner was not serving what I wanted. Needless to say it was not one of my best birthdays but hopefully next year will be better.
Emilia and I started adding matching onesies, tutus, bibs and bow ties to my Etsy shop to match my other party decor. Emilia is mainly the one in charge of the making the fabric items though since she likes to sew so much. This is the first set we came up with and are adding more daily.
That's it for now I will be back next month with Emilia's birthday recap and more to share then. Hope your April is a good one and spring has sprung where you are.
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