Happy Monday and 1st Day of February. Last week we were enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures but now it is snowing and is suppose to get heavier as the day goes on. Hopefully we get to much and the weather is better where you are.
January started off with a visit to a new doctor. Well actually it was a physicians assistant that we saw because the doctor I wanted to see was not taking new patients anymore. When I called in December she was though. Just my luck. I was at least able to get my prescriptions re written, blood work done and Emilia's lungs checked since she was still coughing from being sick the month before. Here lungs were fine but she said her thyroid felt enlarged which was odd since it has never been before. They did some blood work and everything was good but they still wanted her to have an ultrasound which I thought was odd. After thinking about it some more we are going to wait on that until we see an actual doctor. There is another doctor who is an interest in another practice that I want to see but she won't take Emilia until she is 18 so I am just trying to hold out until April so we can both see her then. In the meantime Emilia got sick again last week. Rich brought something home. He was able to get over it pretty quick but she was getting worse so I called the doctors office on Friday and talked to a nurse who said she would call me back after she talked to the physicians assistant. I never got a call back even though I told them how miserable she was and I still have not heard from them. That is unacceptable. I was going to take her to urgent care but I ended up finding a new service online called Doctor on Demand. We were able to Facetime with a real doctor on our Ipad. He was really nice and knowledgeable and diagnosed her with a sinus infection over the phone. He was even able to look down her throat. The prescriptions were called in to our local pharmacy within minutes and were ready when Rich get there, I was very impressed. It was well worth the $40.00 which is only $5.00 more than I would have spent taking her back to the doctor. We also didn't have to wait and be around more germs this way. I would highly recommend this service if you are sick.
Things in my Etsy shop picked up again in January. I did not make anything new but did have a request for a color change on my sailboat cake topper. I really like how it came out.
Emilia decided to take the plunge and open her own Etsy shop. Monograms By Mili is now open. She is selling monogrammed pillows, blankets and scarves. This is one of the new blankets. These would make great baby gifts if you know anyone having a baby.
In other news Emilia and I are officially Gilmore Girls super fans and if you have not heard the news they are bring it back to Netflix. We are so excited to see what happens with everyone especially Luke and Lorelai.
I also tried this recipe last month. They were really good but were bad for my acid reflux. I would still recommend them if you want to give them a try though.
That's all for now I hope your February is good and I will be back with more to share next month.
5 hours ago