Happy Monday. Even though it is the end of January I hope the New Year has started off well for all of you. It is hard to believe January is almost over. At least that means we are closer to spring. The weather has been pretty mild here we have had a little snow though.
My mom is doing well and is hopefully going to get to put her foot in a shoe and be released on Tuesday. We are very grateful that she is doing so well. My sister and I still worry about her doing to much though but there is nothing we can do to stop her. We just hope she continues to do well.
My sister got very sick a few weeks ago with the flu. She had the flu shot but it didn't work. She has a lot of other health problems so I was very worried about her. Thankfully she is doing better now though. Hopefully she will stay that way and nobody else catches it.
I have been busy working on Valentine things. I listed these in my shop about a month ago. Click on the photo to see them close up.
That's all for now. I will be back next month with more to share then.
6 hours ago