Happy Friday. Today is the 25th of the month and the Papertrey Bloghop. This is the first time I have been able to participate all year. I told myself I was not going to buy anymore holiday sets this year but when I saw the new little polka dot parade tree set by Melissa Bickford I had to have it. I put out a request in the forum to see if someone could order if for me and Linda from NC responded. After that I saw the theme for the Bloghop this month which was to make at least 5 holiday gift tags I knew those stamps and dies would be perfect to use for the challenge. Unfortunately they did not get to her until Tuesday and are still on the way to me so I was not going to participate but after some brainstorming I came up with another idea using things I already had. This is what I came up with.

8 Hanukkah gift tags to represent the candles we light each night. Hanukkah starts on Thanksgiving this year. They are calling it Thanksgivukkah.These tags would be perfect to add to a small gift each night. They would also make great birthday tags too.
I started with tag sale # 7. The candles are from the Wishes Come True set. I bought that set with Hanukkah in mind. The numbers are cut from the block alphabet dies. The pattern paper come from this digital paper pack.
I hope this has given you an idea for Hanukkah. It is kind of like a Jewish Advent Calender.
I will be back soon with my monthly update and when my little tree arrives I will post what I make with it. In the meantime I look forward to seeing what everyone else has come up with. I hope you have a great day and as always thanks for stopping by!